Malacca, Malaysia – Bring On The Street Food!
Malacca, Malaysia – Bring On The Street Food!
Our first stop in Malaysia was Malacca. Conquered by the Portuguese in 1511, the town was one of the first sultanates and had already been a center of trade for hundreds of years. After the Portuguese the city had many other rulers including the Dutch, British, and the Japanese during WWII . The city is full of different architecture styles melting together the different cultures and was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2008.
The city was quiet during the day but Friday-Sunday nights everything went out for the Jonker Walk Night Market. Everyone piled into the street for amazing food and lots of random stuff to buy. We tasted so many things and enjoyed ourselves a lot at the market.
We made it to Malaysia!!!
Jonker Street Night Market – Malacca, Malaysia
Of course there’s karaoke!
Anyone need a ride? We’re suckers for bright lights.
Laksa – It’s the best! Noddles with a fishy, coconut, lemongrass, and red pepper broth. Usually there are some fried fish pieces and a hard boiled egg!
Malacca also had a nice river where you could take boat cruises. It was either too hot or raining whenever we wanted to do it but we can’t do everything.
Malacca River
There were temples and churches and mosques all on the same streets, everyone living together in harmony. I know some other people in the world who could learn a think or two from that.
There are always tigers and dragons guarding the temple doors.
Here is a giant statue dedicated to Mr Malaysia, the pride of Malaysian bodybuilding.
Mr Malaysia
We really enjoyed the laid back atmosphere of this city. It felt like a small town really. The food was fantastic and made us super excited to explore more of the country! Stay tuned for our trip to the big city, Kuala Lumpur!!!!