
Live No Excuses Radio Interview

Play the video to listen to Zach and I on 103.5/104.5 Live No Excuses Radio!  This was on this morning, Sunday September 25, between 8-9am.  HUGE THANKS to Lex and Dan!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oR26tAp05VQ&w=560&h=315]

NOTE FROM ZACH IN 2024: It is sad to say that Lex passed away several years ago. It was our first interview and I will always remember it. We didn’t know her well but are sorry none the less. RIP.

It’s weird looking back into the build up for this South America backpacking trip. Now, we don’t think about travel in the same way. It seems a lot easier, after to doing it so many times, to just throw some stuff into a backpack and hop a flight to a strange land.

Maybe it’s because we speak Spanish a lot better than when we flew to Colombia. That first day on the ground was a real shock, after I studied for a little while and understood NOTHING upon landing. I hadn’t even been on a trip before where I was the minority. We spent weeks without seeing other white people, and it was an experience that I think everyone should have. It really opens your eyes to what it must feel like to be NOT WHITE (like most people in the world).