
Hacienda Merida in Isla de Ometepe, Nicaragua

Hacienda Merida is located in a tranquil, off-the-beaten-track spot on the Isla de Ometepe in the middle of Lago Nicaragua.

Hacienda Merida in Isla de Ometepe, Nicaragua

Formed by the convergence of two nearby volcanoes, Isla de Ometepe offers endless opportunities for hiking, climbing, fishing, swimming, and taking in the beauty.

Hacienda Merida is located in a tranquil, off-the-beaten-track spot on the Isla de Ometepe in the middle of Lago Nicaragua. 

Hacienda Merida is located in Mérida, a tiny village on the south end of the island near Volcán Maderas.  Run by an experienced, friendly, bi-lingual family, the hacienda provides everything backpackers need for a pleasant stay.  The family has makes it a priority to make their hostel healthy and eco-friendly, so you can be happy giving your money to people who care.  Comfortable dormitories and private rooms are available, as is a full restaurant serving lunch, a breakfast buffet, and a dinner buffet.  Hacienda Merida also provides information on local hikes, tours, and transportation, as well as renting kayaks and mountain bikes for exploration.  The lakefront dock is a great place to swim or sit and watch the sun set.  The staff is also very plugged into the local community and can help you find a volunteer opportunity if you are so inclined.

Hacienda Merida

Hacienda Merida’s dock in Lago Nicaragua
Photo Credit: Alberto Lanuza

Hacienda Merida is a great out-of-the-way hub for backpackers, run by earth-conscious and helpful folks.  As soon as you enter your room and smell the flowers on your bed, you’ll be glad you chose this place for your stay on Isla de Ometepe!

Services Offered:


Tour information


Mountain bikes


Sailing adventures

Horseback riding

Volunteer opportunities

Address: In Mérida, Maderas Volcano, Ometepe Island, Rivas, Nicaragua

Email:  haciendamerida@gmail.com

Website:  www.hmerida.com

Phone:  Telefonos Movistar (505) 8868 8973 / 8894 2551

 Telefonos Movistar (505) 2560 0496 / 2560 0493

This post was sponsored by Hacienda Mérida.