
El Salvador Travel Financial Summary 2012

El Salvador Travel Financial Summary 2012

Total money spent: $354.31

Total days: 17

So, we spent $20.84 per day, or $10.42 per person per day.  Basically, we were WAY under our $15 per person per day goal!  Woot!  El Salvador was our cheapest country yet!

The fact that food was half our budget proves how cheap everything else is, because food is still really cheap!  Especially if you eat pupusas.

Buses are also amazingly cheap, although dumpy chicken buses, in El Salvador.

We only paid for one night of lodging the whole time!

El Salvador would also be a great, easy place to travel if you had a car or a motorcycle.  Flights through Spirit Airlines are also really cheap, so you should go!

EDIT FROM 2024: It’s really cool how we were able to spend only $10 per day and stick with it for 17 days through some areas that were pretty hard to travel in. The people were very very friendly and we hitchhiked a little bit, but in general the transportation was really uncomfortable. We ate more than 100 papusas in thos 17 days, they probably made up a majority of the food budget.

We can’t wait to go back to Salvador, hopefully with a car that we bring from the United States. It’s been a dream to drive to South America since we did this first trip.