
Ecuador: Financial Summary

Ecuador: Financial Summary

How much did we spend backpacking in Ecuador?

Ecuador is CHEAP, yo!  Here’s the breakdown!

Days in Ecuador: 37

Total Money Spent: $858

That´s an average of $11.59 per person per person per day.  So we came in under budget by more than $3 apiece!

Nifty pie chart breaking down the categories

Transportation was MUCH cheaper than in Colombia.  Buses cost an average of $1 per hour of travel.  So we saved there.

We continue to save on lodging by WWOOFing, housesitting, Couchsurfing, and camping.

Food was pretty cheap but we liked Ecuadorian food better than Colombian food so we ate a lot and splurged a few times!

We even bought a few souvenirs, but they were all so cheap it only counted as two percent of our spending.

If this doesn´t convince you to vacation in Ecuador, I don´t know what will.  You might actually  SAVE MONEY by not living in the U.S. for a couple weeks!