
The Backpacker Trail Through Antigua, Guatemala

Backpacker Trail Through Antigua

As you may recall from Zach’s last entry, he was feeling pretty sickish during our time in Parque Nacional El Imposible.  Unfortunately, the day after our epic hike, I woke up with the same bug, and he woke up with the beginnings of a mysterious rash on his hands and feet.  So we were definitely in fine form when we got onto the backpacker trail through Antigua, the beginning of our brief stint in Guatemala.

The afternoon we pulled in, I did nothing but lie in bed and feel miserable.  What a lame-o.  The next morning I pulled myself together enough to walk around a tiny bit and take some uninspired picture of the old city.

Backpacker Trail Through Antigua

I think the Spanish really liked the color yellow.

Backpacker Trail Through Antigua

Backpacker Trail Through Antigua

The Cathedral

Backpacker Trail Through Antigua

Backpacker Trail Through Antigua

Every time we went into a church we had to sit down inside to rest.  This picture characterizes how we were feeling:

Backpacker Trail Through Antigua


Fortunately by the end of the day I was starting to feel much better.  Not so much for Zach.  His rash had spread to his face and was getting worse.  Stay tuned for his story of how we ended on the backpacker trail through Antigua…

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