
Ayurveda Wednesday: Using Essential Oils

Ayurveda Wednesday: Using Essential Oils

Essential oils are a great tool for balancing your doshas. (If you don’t know what this means, click here)! If your Pitta is high, you definitely want a calming, soothing blend. If Vata is high, a grounding, earthy blend works best. And if Kapha is high, you can use all the energizing, invigorating scents possible in your blend!

We created a signature Bigger Life Adventures blend for each dosha using the highest-quality essential oils. They all smell great and we love spritzing ourselves first thing in the morning or after a yoga class. The custom blends are available in our shop for $10 each or $25 for all 3!

Also, we’re currently gathering signups for an upcoming FREE webinar all about Ayurveda! If this post seems like Greek (or Sanskrit, haha) to you, then send us your email address to sign up! We’ll be going over the basics of the doshas, how to discover what Ayurvedic “type” you are, and how Ayurvedic health works in the modern age!

If your interested in Ayurveda in retreats, we have a strong focus on these practices on our yoga retreats. Zach’s food is Ayurvedic focused and Carrie’s yoga classes are created with Ayurveda in mind.